Join us LIVE on the first Saturday of Every Month!
Register for a fun hour dedicated to strengthening our Emotional Fitness.
Learn all about Emotional Discharge and how to prevent it from backfiring in your life.
Take back your POWER by
Learning about the 4 Emotional Response Types.
How to Reset Your Preset and Establish a solid Baseline Foundation.
Uncover your CORE Unsafe Beliefs that block you from living the life you can't stop dreaming about.
Recover from Identity Sabotage.
For More Information and to RegisterReady to start Training?
For those that have attended the Bootcamp and want to continue with their Training...
Emotional Fitness 3-Month Training Program
It's not our bad habits, failed diet attempts, addictions, or toxic relationships that are the problem.
It's our unsafe beliefs about ourselves that keep us seeking more of what we think we deserve.
Dump the diets, remove the labels, and FREE yourself from your matrix mind.
The biggest lie we tell ourselves when we don't reach a goal or obtain something we want in life is to say that we "self-sabotage."
Self-Sabotage implies we know ourselves. If we truly knew ourselves, we would know that we are incapable of Sabotage. We have become so disconnected from our truth that we don't realize how powerful, deserving, and worthy we are.

Free 1-Hour Emotional Fitness Training Call
Schedule a video call with Tonya De'laine to ask questions and learn how our Emotional Fitness is our best defense in recovering from Identity Sabotage.
Schedule Your FREE Call Today